
Looking for inspirational teaching tips, or handouts from an event that you’ve attended? You’ve come to the right place!


Playway teacher training

Watch how I use a chant to teach vocabulary and important chunks of language with a class of young learners. Rhythm and rhyme are important memory anchors, and they’re fun, too!


Working with DVD stories

Playway teacher training

In this short training film, I demonstrate the use of DVD stories with a group of six-year-old children. After the presentation, various activities are shown, including the use of storycards, stickers and role play.


Tips For Teaching English In Intensive Primary Programmes

Introducing Super Minds

If your students have at least five lessons of English per week, this course is for you. It’s got seven levels, including a Starter Book, and leads your students up to A2 level. It’s a course that my co-authors, G. Gerngross and Peter Lewis Jones, and I loved creating!


How to Involve Students in Setting Up Their Own Ground Rules

Teaching teens - Tip 5

Teens often find it a bit difficult to talk about themselves. Getting them to develop their own ground rules for the class can be a first step towards personalisation. It’s a topic that is very relevant, motivating and ‘safe’.


Making Students Aware of Different Intelligences

Teaching teens - Tip 6

Howard Gardner has shown that intelligence is not one unitary mental capability – we have different strengths and weaknesses, and we have different ways of thinking and being smart. Get your students to explore their own strengths!


Error Correction in Speaking - The Fun Way

Teaching teens - Tip 4

If we correct too much, students lose their spontaneity in speaking; that’s why it is better not to interrupt them all the time. But what about grammar drills? Check out this fun way of correcting them.


Getting Students to Listen in a More Focused Way

Teaching teens - Tip 2

It’s not always easy to get students to be attentive listeners. One problem is that listening requires us to focus our attention, and not all of our students are good at that. In this vodcast, watch three examples of how we can help them.


Getting Students to Stick to English During the Lessons

Teaching teens - Tip 3

In predominantly monolingual classes, students often fall back into their mother tongue amidst a speaking activity. What can we do to change students’ attitudes and encourage them to use English more frequently?


Ways of Leading into a Text: Herbert Puchta (Teaching Teenagers Tip #1)

This is the first in a series of teaching tips for teenagers, and looks at advance organising techniques for leading into a text.

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